One of the things you might find a little different at FSSC is a lack of “official” events. This isn’t to say that our students, tutors and families don’t get together, but we learned early on that students enjoy participating in activities they feel a connection to or “ownership” of. We have been blessed over the years with a great group of students who are very innovative and we have a number of events that have become yearly traditions and many other activities and events that get “tried out.” While tutors and parents are necessarily involved, all events (with the exception of our graduation ceremony) at FSSC are student-organized! We find that this makes for more fun (and sometimes funny!) for all involved.

Senior Dinner
The FSSC Senior Dinner was initiated to celebrate the achievements and uniqueness of homeschool graduates. It involves a dinner where graduates, families, and tutors come together for fellowship. Parents and tutors share about the students and provide blessings for their future endeavors.

We honor our graduates with a ceremony where they are presented with their diplomas by their primary teachers; their parents. There is a reception afterwards where students, family and friends can celebrate.

Thanksgiving Potluck
This is a very special day. Entirely student-led, this has become one of the best traditions at FSSC. The last Wednesday before Thanksgiving-break we have a potluck lunch (often-times, by candlelight!) All dishes, set-up and clean-up are coordinated and prepared by the students and if you have the opportunity to join your student for this, you will find it well worth your time.

Dress-Up Days
If you visit Schaeffer during the school year, something you might notice is a large portion of our student-body wearing pajamas, wildly mis-matched clothing, costumes, or who know what else! If this is the case, you happened to visit us on one of our many “Dress-up Days!”

Game Night
This is a very informal time where we get together outside of Wednesday classes for an evening of fun and frivolity and group games!

Talent Night
One thing we have discovered over the years is just what a large pool of talent our students have to offer! This is a special evening where students can bless us with a talent, participate in funny skits and group games or simply support their fellow students. This is not a contest, but simply another informal time of enjoying the company of our fellow Schaeffer-ites!