Junior High
8th Grade
During this year, most students are transitioning from a strictly home-education program into the weekly tutorial format. With this in mind, FSSC offers a limited number of courses for 8th-graders to encourage student confidence and success. The following courses make up the 8th grade core:

Courses for
8th Grade
(elective courses listed at bottom of page)

A study of geography and cultures of the world. This will prepare our students for their High school history courses.

Intro to Literature
An intro to the basics of literature and academic writing. Includes readings from a wide selection of authors and genres.

Intro to Art
Introduction to a wide variety of artists, styles and materials. This course includes both lectures and a variety of hands-on projects.

General Science
This class will be an introduction to the scientific method, terminology and a general preparation for the upper-class sciences.
High School
9th through 12th Grade
During these years, all students at FSSC enroll in our Humanities Core which is made up of three hour-long courses – history, literature and art history. This allows our students to have a fully-integrated view of history and culture from the selected time period. The three courses in the Humanities Core are designed to complement and supplement each other. Each course relies upon the material that students are reading and discussin in the other two. For this reason, we require that all students take the three core course together each year.
We accept a limited number of students who only take science courses, applied or performance arts courses or our Bible courses without enrolling in the Humanities Core, but students taking the Core classes will be given registration preference in those auxiliary courses.

Chronological Sequence for Humanities Core
We believe that a chronological approach is the best way to organize the study of western civilization. See our recommended course of study below.

Year 1
Ancient Times

Year 2
Medieval & Renaissance

Year 3
The Early Modern World

Year 4
Modern Times
Year 1
9th Grade Courses
(elective courses listed at bottom of page)

Humanities Core
Integrated chronological study of ancient history, literature and art & architecture. (3 hrs)

Academic Writing I
Introduction to grammar and writing for high school. Writers Inc. is the text used during this course. (1 hr)

There is no separate Bible course this year as the Humanities I Core classes spend a significant amount of time studying Genesis.

Physical Science class with an integrated lab. Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science is the text used for this course. (1.5 hrs)
Year 2
10th Grade Courses
(elective courses listed at bottom of page)

Humanities Core
Integrated chronological study of Medieval/Renaissance & Reformation history, literature and art & architecture. (3 hrs)

Academic Writing II
A continuation of grammar and writing skills will be cultivated for high school students. Writers Inc. is the text used during this course. (1 hr)

Inductive study of the book of John. Precept Ministries’ In & Out: John (Parts 1&2) inductive study workbooks and a Bible are the texts used during this course. (1 hrs)

Biology class with integrated lab and dissections. Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Biology is the text used for this course. (1.5 hrs)
Year 3
11th Grade Courses
(elective courses listed at bottom of page)

Humanities Core
Integrated chronological study of 1700-1900 European & American history, literature and art & architecture. (3 hrs)

Academic Writing III
A continuation of grammar and writing skills will be cultivated for high school students. (1 hr)

A study of the book of Romans. Precept Ministries’ In & Out: Romans (Parts 1-3) inductive study workbooks and a Bible are the texts used during this course. (1 hr)

A chemistry class with integrated lab. Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry is the text used for this course. (1.5 hrs)
Year 4
12th Grade Courses
(elective courses listed at bottom of page)

Humanities Core
An Integrated chronological study of 20th Century European & American history, literature and art & architecture. (3 hrs)

Academic Writing IV
Prep for college writing course. Focus on close reading, critical material usage, and writing analytical essays using texts like “How to Read Slowly” and “Write for College: A Student Handbook.” (1 hr)

This course focuses on understanding, developing and learning to articulate/communicate a consistent Biblical World View. (1 hr)

The study of Physics class with an integrated lab. Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physics is the text used for this course. (1.5 hrs)

Government & Economics
Elective Courses

Open to 8-12 Grades

Drawing & Painting
Open to 8-12 Grades